Tea Ceremony

Slow down and savor the beauty and peace that is available in each moment, each breath, each sip

Tea ceremony is first and foremost a contemplative practice. It is also an opportunity to heighten personal and interpersonal connections.

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world next to water. What many people do not know, however, is that in many cultures tea is revered not as a beverage, but as a sacred plant medicine. By drinking tea in a mindful, and reverent way we can unlock this beautiful plant’s healing potential. Ceremonial tea greatly facilitates meditation and mindfulness while promoting a restorative and restful experience for your nervous system.

I am not a tea master, guru, or teacher. I am a passionate student of the magical and healing plant we call “Tea.” She is a wise teacher, and she asks very little of her students, other than for them to listen with their hearts. Tea ceremony, as I have learned to perform it, is a practice designed to honor Tea, remove the psychological and psychic barriers that prevent us from hearing her lessons, and to settle the body so that Tea’s medicinal Qi can be fully received.

I was trained in traditional tea ceremony by the wonderful and charitable organization Global Tea Hut. They have published hundreds of magazine articles about tea and tea ceremony that are available completely for free here.

There are no rules for tea ceremony (other than the general guidance for you to make yourself as comfortable as possible) and there is no preparation that you need to take prior to attending. The tea that is served is almost always caffeinated, so please keep that in mind when booking a ceremony. Afternoon tea sits will generally contain less tea and use slightly less caffeinated teas. Special requests will be taken for decaffeinated teas and herbal teas when booking a private ceremony. 

*Please note that tea ceremony is generally held while sitting on the floor, however if that position is not comfortable or accessible for you we can accommodate you with a chair.

I am pleased to offer tea ceremony to:

  • my private clients as an optional resource during our sessions.

  • weekly donation-based weekly tea sits open to anyone who is interested. Sign up below!

  • private tea sits for individuals & small groups upon request